Finessing your Session

Massage Cupping, MediCupping, Vibration Therapy with Tuning Forks and Sonic Slider, FasciaBlaster®, Far Infrared Sauna, Theta Healing ® Practitioner

Frequency Vibration Therapy

Vibration therapy harnesses specific frequencies to nourish your body's energetic system, promoting healing, balance, and inner peace. In our modern world, we are constantly exposed to disruptive energies that disturb our natural equilibrium. Vibrations can be likened to a gentle tune-up for your body, much like tuning a musical instrument.

During a session, you can expect a soothing experience. You remain fully clothed and relax on a table, while the practitioner activates a tuning fork and carefully moves it a short distance away from your body. The practitioner tunes into the energetic field, attentively sensing any resistance or disharmony. When an area of discordance is detected, the tuning fork is held in that region until a positive shift occurs. The resonating frequency emitted by the tuning fork encourages the energetic body to make transformative changes and discover a healthy balance. Clients often report a profound sense of tranquility and serenity following the session.

Infrared Sauna

An infrared sauna utilizes infrared heaters to emit infrared light, which is experienced as radiant heat that is absorbed by the skin's surface. While infrared saunas are popular in alternative therapies, claims that they can aid in various medical conditions such as Autism, Cancer, and even COVID-19 are entirely pseudoscientific and unsupported. Traditional saunas differ from infrared saunas in that they primarily heat the body through conduction, convection from heated air, and radiation from heated surfaces within the sauna room. In contrast, infrared saunas primarily utilize radiation for heating. Infrared saunas are also utilized in Infrared Therapy and Waon Therapy. While preliminary evidence suggests potential benefits like reduced blood pressure, increased heart rate, and improved left ventricular function, it is important to note that drawing direct links between these findings and alleged health benefits poses several challenges.

Facial sculpting with FasciaBlaster®

Addressing issues like:
Hide Bound Skin
Restricted Tissue
Saddle Bags
Love Handles
Sagging Skin
Double Chin
Hair Loss
and MORE